The emotional journey of 16 undergraduate students at Georgetown University in a ground breaking course: Making an Exoneree the students become citizen sleuths as they re-investigate five potential wrongful conviction cases over the course of a semester in the hopes of getting someone exonerated. Led by Georgetown professor Marc Howard and NYS exoneree Marty Tankleff, the students embark on this life changing course driven by determination and passion to help four men who have lost all hope. Within five months, these students morph into social justice warriors, find new evidence, pressure district attorneys, prosecutors, defense attorneys and rattle the criminal justice system. Their efforts pay off when they find new evidence that helps free an innocent man who spent 27 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

About the Filmmakers
Rob & Cindy Dorfmann are married award winning filmmakers and have a production company together. They have produced and directed hundreds of hours of documentary television for networks around the world. Cindy went to high school with Marty Tankleff and Marc Howard the two amazing professors who brought this class to life they asked Cindy and her husband Rob to document this ground breaking course. Making an Exoneree is a film that has changed people's lives including Rob and Cindy's.
Production Stills